The Letter

Farouk is finding reading and writing hard….A short film made by young people living in Bahariya, Egypt


OEL International

OEL Trichy, India

A group of young people from the gypsy community living in Trichy, […]

OEL Gambia

A group of children share their everyday lives

OEL Engarenaibor, Tanzania

Masai children and young people share their everyday lives with us….

OEL Sri Lanka

Vajira Children’s Home is based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Children and young […]

A Christmas message from Bethlehem

From the people living in Bethlehem, a short message about Christmas….

Mansouria, Morocco animations

An animation workshop in a school within the Berber community in Zagora, […]

Adilabad, India

From cotton picking, cooking and swimming in a dam…young people from Adilabad […]

Speak to the world

Young people from four European countries express how they would like to be involved in European decision making.

Istanbul to Hackney – Youth Exchange

A group of young people from Istanbul spend a week with young […]

Bethlehem to Hackney Youth Exchange

Young people from Bethlehem and Hackney learn about each other lives and […]

OEL Goodalur, India.

This film explores the lives of young people living in Goodalur India

South Africa

Young people from Newham Youth Parliament visit South Africa and learn about other young peoples lives…

Forbidden Rights

A film on the lack of basic rights for young people living in Bethlehem, Palestine.

Welcome to Bahariya

London, UK and Bahariya, Egypt learn about each other

OEL Chennai, India

Explores the lives of young people living in deprived areas of Chennai (Madras), India

Ali’s Story

Explore the views of young people from Morocco on education

OEL Morocco

This film is about the everyday lives of young people from the nomadic community in Morocco.

OEL Mansouria School, Morocco.

The Everyday lives of young people from Mansouria School in Morocco.

OEL Kurdistan

A film on the everyday lives of Young people in Kudistan

OEL- Al Rasheda, Palestine.

A film on the everyday lives of young people from Al Rasheda, Palestine

Know your rights – Palestine

A film by young people from Palestine, expressing the need to know one’s rights.

OEL Bethlehem, Animation

An Animation that looks at the right to play through the eyes of a group of children living in Bethlehem

Our Everyday Lives IRAN

A film that explores the everyday lives of some young people that attend a centre for young women in Tehran

Portugal Film Exchange

Young people from Tower Hamlets and Hackney find out what life is […]

OEL Chennai, India (Nomadic Community)

The everyday lives of a group of young people, from a nomadic community living in Chennai, India

OEL Egypt

The everyday lives of a group of young people that live in Bahariya, a village in the Egyptian desert.

OEL Bethlehem

The everyday lives of young people from Bethlehem

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